Results 2021 Season
Cotswold trophies 2021
Pleasure/social rides
1st Sue Holloway Ardra Joe
2nd Angela Percival CF Bluebell
3rd Ro White Nohilly’s Lad
4th Natalie Neal Heffo Andys Joy
5th Jess Gooding tradana Storm Pirate
Pure Bred Native
1st Stradana Storm Pirate Jess Gooding
2nd Nohilly’s Lad Ro White
Veteran Horse
1st Stradana Storm Pirate Jess Gooding
2nd Zarzuela Chris Wensley
Doralt Queen
1st Ragham High Flier Laura Graham
2nd Toby 1 Khanobi Carrie Ann Dark
3rd Bey Dhamaan Carrie Ann Dark
4th Ja Amir Khan Valerie Whalley
5th HS Alto Claire Barry
6th Heffo Andys Joy Natalie Neal
Cotswold Spirit
1st Ragham High Flyer Laura Graham
2nd Ragham Mudlark Laura Graham
3rd HS Alto Claire Barry
4th Warrens Hill Farrah Laura Graham
5th Zarzuela Chris Wensley
6th CF Bluebell Angela Percival
Young Rider
1st Jess Gooding Stradana Storm Pirate
1st Heffo Andys Joy Natalie Neal
2nd Stradana Storm Pirate Jess Gooding
3rd Cotswold Sharik Sam Hunt
4th DD Gai Daneen Carrie Ann Dark
5th Simon 111 Jennifer Rose
6th Twelfth Dan Bryony Baxter
Due to the disruption Covid-19 has caused over the last two years very few rides were actually held.
As a committee it was decided that all horses at novice level during this period would be included.
For 2022 the criteria will revert to that as described on our website.
1st Toby 1 Khanobi Carrie Ann Dark
2nd Ragham High Flyer Laura Graham
3rd Bey Dhamaan Carrie Ann Dark
4th Ja Amir Khan Valerie Whalley
5th HS Alto Claire Barry
6th CF Bluebell Angela Percival
Cotswold Champion
1st Ragham High Flyer Laura Graham
2nd Toby 1 Khanobi Carrie Ann Dark
3rd Bey Dhamaan Carrie Ann Dark
4th Ja Amir Khan Valerie Whalley
5th HS Alto Claire Barry
6th Heffo Andys Joy Natalie Neal
2019 Awards results were as follows:
Overall Champion
1st Ella Bunting and Aly's Estrella de Rock
2nd Carri-Ann Dark and HS Drift
3rd Lesley Caswell and Reba
4th Samantha Howard and Sharif El Ra
5th Ella Green and Dukes Mountain Masterpiece
6th Laura Graham and Warrens Hill Farah
Open Trophy
1st Angela Percival and CF Bluebell
2nd Rosemary White and Nohilly's Lad
3rd Lara Williams and Dusty
4th Valerie Whalley and Ja Amir Khan
5th Claire Barry and Hs Alto
Novice Tropy
1st Laura Graham and Ragham Mudlark
2nd Carri-Ann Dark and Toby 1 Khanobi
3rd Jessica Gooding and Stradana Storm Pirate
4th Laura Graham and Ragham High Flier
5th Samantha Hunt and Cotswold Sharik
6th Valerie Whalley and Valentino
Pure Native
1st Lesley Caswell and Kildromin Trump
2nd Jessica Gooding and Stradana Storm Pirate
3rd Rosemary White and Nohilly's Lad
Cotswold Spirit ​​
1st Ella Bunting and Aly's Estrella de Rock
2nd Carri-Ann Dark and HS Drift
3rd Samantha Howard and Sharif El Ra
4th Laura Graham and Warrens Hill Farah
5th Carri-Ann Dark and HS Dante
6th Carri-Ann Dark and Bey Dhamaan
1st Lesley Caswell and Rebe
2nd Jessica Gooding and Stradana Storm Pirate
3rd Chris Wensley and Zarzuela
4th Michael Bates and Lucky Streich
5th Valerie Whalley and Valentino
Rufus (unregistered)
1st Lesley Caswell and Rebe
2nd Laura Graham and Surplus to Requirement
3rd Lara Williams and Dusty
Young Rider
1st Ella Bunting
2nd Ella Green
3rd Jessica Gooding
Junior Rider
1st Lara Williams
Dorallt Queen
1st Lesley Caswell and Reba
2nd Carri-Ann Dark and HS Drift
3rd Carri-Ann Dark and HS Dante
4th Samantha Howard and Sharif El Ra
5th Carri-Ann Dark and Bey Dhamaan
6th Claire Barry and HS Alto
Pr & Social
1st Rosemary White and Nohilly's Lad
2nd Angela Percival and CF Bluebell
3rd Jessica Gooding and Stradana Storm Pirate
Helpers Trophy
Sue Chinery and Pete Wright